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CHOW # 302 : Together but not a team

Destruction vector created by upklyak – Gladiators is a well-formed Agile team as per the prevailing practices – 5 Developers, 2 testers,  1 SM and 1PO.  The team delivers complex technology solutions for the Cloud platform. Each...
CHOW #301 – Policy and Pragmatism

CHOW #301 – Policy and Pragmatism

EmpFirst Inc, decided to reopen their offices after Covid subsided and the government removed all related restrictions. However, many employees had settled in their new mode of working and some had also relocated to their homes elsewhere in the country. EmpFirst...
CHOW #300 – Navigating coaching practices

CHOW #300 – Navigating coaching practices

Photo by Conor Luddy on Unsplash You are coaching an eight-member team in Pune, part of a large multinational in the tech sector. The team is self-sufficient with the Product Owner & Product Management also being located in Pune. The team is now facing a...
CHOW #298 – Adaptive Leadership

CHOW #298 – Adaptive Leadership

For an adaptive leadership to succeed in a chaordic organization, one of the key factors is mutual trust. Could you please highlight top two things from your list that helps develop trusting culture in an organization?  CHOW Solution: There are so many practices...