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Late career options with Shekhar Chandra

Today, my guest is Shekhar Chandra – the Global Practice Head at Irs Software Inc.Here are the key themes from the conversation: Shekhar initially disliked sales because he is more of an introvert. However, he was eased into the role by his company and his...

No guilt career breaks with Amita Ardha

Today, my guest is Amita Ardha, an enterprise architect who has been focusing on sustainable development solutions.In this conversation;Amita started her career in engineering and transitioned to IT due to her interest in the “why” behindthe coding.She...

The New Indian Woman, Krishna

Every year, the Software People Stories dedicates the month of March to women guests, to call out their contributions and highlight some women’s perspectives.Today, I am very happy to introduce our guest, Krishna Kumari, who is also a podcaster, hosting the New...