CHOW #102- The Spirit of Agile

Many years ago, I attended an Agile workshop conducted by a leading guru in a plush hotel. Everyone would get a valuable piece of paper at the end of two days proclaiming mastery to the world at large. I thought that kind of spirit was great – uplifting the masses, what? To add to that spirit of the gig, I had a private tête-à-tête with the aforesaid guru over more spirits who deemed it all very befitting.

Seriously, so many people just having gone through a few days of training program and focus on the ceremonial are missing the point of it all.

So, you can give it a shot (after a few shots) at filling the table below. Refer to the tips and diagram on the last page which should help you along.

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Suggested Solution:

NoScum eventAgile/XP ValuesPrinciplesPractices
1Daily ScrumAgile: Individuals and Interactions Over Processes and Tools

Responding to Change Over Following a Plan;

Scrum: Commitment

XP: Communication, Openness, Focus

Principle 4: Business people and developers working together daily

Principle 5: environment and support for motivated individuals

Principle 6: face-to-face conversations

Principle 8: sustainable development & constant pace

Principle 11: self-organizing teams

  • Individuals taking ownership for their updates during the stand-up – not a status check by SM / manager
  • Re-planning on a daily basis as needed
2Sprint planningAgile: Individuals and Interactions Over Processes and Tools

Scrum: Commitment; Courage; Respect

XP: Communication; Courage; Respect

Principle 1: early and continuous delivery of valuable software to satisfy the customer

Principle 3: deliver working software frequently

Principle 4: business people and developers working together

Principle 6: face-to-face conversation

  • Everyone participates in sprint planning
  • PO provides inputs on goals, priorities for the sprint and explains stories as needed
  • The team estimates; the PO does not influence
  • The team ensures stories to be taken up are “ready”; Definition of Ready is commonly understood
  • The team openly discusses stories that may not be doable within the sprint
  • Time-boxed event to articulate sprint goals, sprint backlog and how to get work done
3Sprint executionAgile: Individuals and Interactions Over Processes and Tools; Collaboration;

Responding to Change Over Following a Plan;

Scrum: Commitment; Respect; Openness, Focus

XP: Communication; Simplicity; Feedback; Respect

Principle 1: early and continuous delivery of valuable software to satisfy the customer

Principle 2: welcome change in requirements for customer’s competitive advantage

Principle 5: environment and support for motivated individuals

Principle 7: working software is the measure of progress

Principle 8: sustainable development & constant pace

Principle 9: continuous attention to technical excellence

Principle 10: simplicity – maximize work not done

Principle 11: best architecture & design emerge from self-organizing teams

Principle 12: team reflects on how to become more effective

  • On-going interactions between the developers and the PO for clarifications and feedback
  • The team provides visibility to progress and work remaining to be done
  • Developers, testers, UI, DBA and others work together to achieve sprint goals
  • The SM and the other leaders remove impediments faced by the team and enable higher level of performance
  • The team with the PO prepares for future sprints; refine stories
4Review / DemoAgile: Working software  

Scrum: Openness

XP: Communication; Feedback

Principle 1: early and continuous delivery of valuable software to satisfy the customer

Principle 2: welcome change in requirements for customer’s competitive advantage

Principle 7: working software is the measure of progress

  • The team works together in preparing for the Review / Demo
  • The PO leads the Review / Demo, provides an overview to stakeholders present and accepts the work done by the team as “done”
  • The team captures feedback from stakeholders and updates the product backlog as needed
5RetrospectiveAgile: Individuals and Interactions Over Processes and Tools; Responsiveness  

Scrum: Courage, Openness

XP: Communication; Feedback; Courage; Respect

Principle 5: environment and support for motivated individuals

Principle 6: face-to-face conversation

Principle 8: sustainable development & constant pace

Principle 9: continuous attention to technical excellence

Principle 12: team reflects on how to become more effective

  • The team reviews the work done, issues, challenges and individual inputs on the sprint just completed
  • The team acknowledges successes and individual contributions
  • The team focuses on stakeholder inputs from the sprint review & performance shortfalls and how to improve
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