In conversation with Coaching Guru, Sivakumar from PM Power Consulting , he shares experiences with Gayatri from PM Power Consulting on his journey
- Discovered passion in a cascading manner by way of experimenting
- Enjoyed starting in software as a full stack engineer
- Software projects are social organizations that needs to be nurtured
- Understanding of fulcrum and levers that you have to balance people and capability development
- Stories of two contrasting software deliveries – One with a large development project that started off with great fanfare ends up in legal tussle – Second that starts with many SLAs ends up with customer accolades
- Bridge between the two lies alignment of vision, trust and teamwork
- Changes are evident now in business investing energy and effort in technology teams
- Stakeholder and People management – two sides of the same coin to manage culture, communication
- Can you become a person of influence – providing support, person of values and continuous beacon to facilitate conversations
- Highly momentous time personally to let go of control and let the team do their work
- Being a coach, Shiv points out various dimensions he’s found to add value based on the situation – as a mentor, agile custodian
- Imparting learning through story telling and case study nuggets
- Experiment early and understand your passions like Shiv has found passion for writing caselets/stories/monographs
- Find an unforgiving mentor to hold you to high standards or an uncomfortable mirror early in your career
Shiv can be reached at and Gayatri can be contacted at