September 25, 2020

Mnemonics and Improv with Jayant Swamy

pm power consultation
pm power consultation
Mnemonics and Improv with Jayant Swamy
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Show Notes

In this conversation Jayant Swamy is sharing his career story with Gayatri Kalyanaraman from PM Power Consulting where Jayant talks about

He started his career in finance with CA and learnt his penchant for teaching

  • Jayant Swamy has coached MBA aspirants in public speaking and taught finance at local B-schools 
  • Jayant moved to the US in 1998 and works as a management consultant and corporate trainer 
  • Jayant is known as the program  manager who is also the glue that hold the  team together. 
  • Jayant ponders over two project implementation experiences and says how continuous learning has made him the person to be sought out for problem solving 
  • His deep expertise in Finance and management made him the perfect conduit to interact, translate and influence program outcomes 
  • Jayant shares his interest in writing stories and how he started unsuccessfully during his college days. He didn’t lose sight of it as time progressed. He has authored many books and has 2 under the works. More about Jayant’s books are here  
  • Jayant shares his experiments in storytelling in  his corporate career be it creating reports or saying a story via presentations 
  • Jayant narrates his teaching experience across decades starting  with aspiring entrance exam students to  a professional training for the University of Washington 
  • Jayant talks about staying true to program management while pursuing many interests in storytelling, IMPROV and teaching at the same time.  
  • Jayant talks about  compassion for fellow human beings and bringing empathy in every transaction as a key message 

You can reach Jayant at the below address 

Jayant started his career in Finance and did his MBA in Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore

Jayant found his career calling in the software industry as a management consultant and did several projects in ERP. His understanding of finance and various concepts proved to be invaluable to implementation success.

Jayant has held Program Manager role in several organizations in the US and he felt his true calling is with words and story telling. He authored his first book in 2013 and working on two books. He has also written two non fiction books.

He can be reached via 

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