Agile adoption in a startup

See how an Smart Phone Software start-up company adopts Agile


Leadership Personnel Trained


Departments covered Globally


People Agile Organization


Continents Covered

Business Impact

Since partnering with PM Power Consulting, the client has observed a significant impact to their business across various KPIs. At a high level, below is a quick snapshot of the impact that the business has observed.

See how a Smart Phone Software start-up company adopts Agile

Our client is a Bengaluru based start-up which has grown to 250 people organization. They specialize in developing software for Smart Phones and provide system integration services for various Smart Phone companies.

The Challenge

A few experts from Mobile Communication companies came together to start this company. They wanted to adopt Agile right from the beginning.

Experts Involved

Approach and Solution

PM Power helped them in adopting Agile and integrating it with their Product Development approach.

The nature of software being embedded in devices, the Product Development involved concurrent engineering with hardware and manufacturability aspects and system integration aspects of various component/platform providers.

  • Helped define the organization structure and roles
  • Helped integrating the Agile/Scrum practices with the Stage-Gate Product Development processes
  • Conducted Agile/Scrum Workshops and Coaching for teams and managers


Our client won accolades from their very first Customer, a Japanese Smart Phone maker, for swift releases of software.

They have adopted Agile successfully in an embedded and system integration environment.

Client has grown from the initial couple of dozen people to 250 people organization and continues to do good business in a highly dynamic market like smart phones.