Enterprise-Wide Agile

See how a financial products company adopts enterprise wide agile transformation.




People Trained


Project Teams

Business Impact

Since partnering with PM Power Consulting, the client has observed a significant impact to their business across various KPIs. At a high level, below is a quick snapshot of the impact that the business has observed.

Financial Products company adopts Enterprise wide Agile Transformation

Our client is a Financial IT Products company headquartered in London with centres in New York, Paris, Bengaluru, Manila, and several other parts in Europe. They are leaders for mid-tier Banks in the areas of core banking, lending, capital markets software.

The Challenge

Our client had tried adopting Agile for several years with limited success and in small pockets of the company. They wanted to drive Agile Transformation globally through all the centres as a global strategic initiative.

Experts Involved:

Approach and Solution

PM Power helped them in Enterprise wide Agile Transformation through various interventions and change management initiatives spread over twelve months for global distributed teams.

  • Agile Effectiveness Assessment to get 360-degree view of status from Team members, Scrum Masters, Product Owners and Senior Managers.
  • A two days’ workshop on Agile/Scrum for the cross-functional project teams from Development, QA, Product Management, BAs, Release Management, DBAs, Architects, Technical Writers.
  • Trained over 120 people through several workshops.
  • Conducted specific focused workshops for Scrum Masters, Product Owners & BAs.
  • Helped create internal Trainers & Coaches through Train the Trainer and Coach the Coach approaches who in turn took up the further roll out.
  • Conducted Executive Workshops on Agile for senior Leaders spread across Bengaluru, London, New York
  • Coached more than 20 project teams with associated Scrum Masters and Product Owners, distributed across US, Europe and Asia;
  • Helped them to scale up Agile with Scrum of Scrum practices and Product & Portfolio planning.
  • Helped the Executive team to look at Metrics & Governance differently from the traditional approaches to the Agile approaches
  • Helped in defining/refining the roles and objectives (HR aspects), recognition mechanisms and knowledge sharing platforms.

On an average across all the workshops, 62% of the participants rated the workshops as ‘Very Useful’ and remaining 38% rated as ‘Useful’ on a scale of ‘Poor’, ‘Not much impact’, ‘Useful’, ‘Very Useful’.

At the beginning of the engagement, there was significant scepticism and resistance, especially from project managers & middle managers, because of the past failures in Agile adoption. Towards the end of the engagement, there was much more acceptance & mindset change towards adopting Agile.


Product Planning & Portfolio Planning started happening synchronously. For example, one of the Products had 10 Scrum Teams working together to make synchronized releases.

Organization built internal capacity to carry out the training & coaching on Agile to continue the transformation journey.