Organizational challenges in the TUNA* World

Leaders in organizations today face a multitude of challenges, ranging from navigating the ever-changing technological landscape to fostering a positive and productive work environment. Some of the most pressing issues include organizational challenges in the TUNA* world.

These challenges are not insurmountable, but they do require leaders to be adaptable, innovative, and committed to the well-being and success of their organizations. By effectively addressing these challenges, leaders at every level can create thriving workplaces that attract and retain top talent, drive innovation, and achieve sustainable growth.

How do we face these challenges? What approaches are needed? What we have seen, learnt and applied align with what Industry studies tell us.

Leadership at Every Level

Leadership at every level” refers to the concept of cultivating leadership qualities and behaviors across all levels of an organization, not just within the upper management or designated leadership roles. It is a recognition that everyone has the potential to influence and inspire others, regardless of their position or title. It involves empowering individuals at every level to exhibit leadership qualities, take initiative, and contribute to the organization’s success.


Full-Stack Leaders

Leadership at every level can play a critical role in helping organizations overcome these obstacles and achieve their goals. What we need today are FULL-STACK LEADERS.

PM Power approach to Develop Full-Stack Leadership, a proven 3-layered approach

Over the years, PM Power has evolved the iceberg metaphor for leadership development, which has, at its core, the importance of leading self.
While the externally visible results are mostly related to actions and outputs – which are above the water, more intrinsic leadership qualities require empathy – to excel in nurturing relationships with people and leading others, the subtle qualities related to oneself to become mindful leaders.

Our carefully synthesized programs help participants identify their strengths and improvement areas and also experiment it in their work areas so as build an organization having a high level of execution excellence, customer satisfaction, product quality and Business Agility

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