As a coach, I believe we need to connect to the heart of the individuals to make the coaching effective. Towards that I try to keep honest about what I know and what I do not and do not profess to provide solutions to everything. I try to provide context from my multi-domain experience with a little humour which stimulates discovery and also helps me to learn all the while

Let's Dig More About Me !!
I am a principal consultant at PM Power, part of Agile Transformation and DevOps Service lines. My goal is to help organizations in achieving engineering excellence and Agility in software development and deployment through customized frameworks. I have over four decades of experience which includes over 20+ years in software Product development, Delivery, Quality and several years in manufacturing domains of Automobile and Earth moving equipment.
As the first Agile coach in my last company, which leaned towards Agile ways in 2013, I did several Agile trainings to help team members understand the basics. Later I plunged myself to Agile Evangelist role, helping top leadership to strategize Agile Transformation, coaching pilot teams and facilitating Scaled Agile Model –across teams in multiple geographies. I worked as a consultant for the Agile Transformation group for 4 years at Standard Chartered Bank, Kuala Lumpur helping teams and teams of teams to adopt to the new ways of working – from Technology teams, Retail Teams to Data and Privacy teams.
I joined GE India Technology Center during end 2000, as a Project Manager-Delivery and stayed with the organization as it later changed hands to become GXS and OpenText. Over the next 16+ years, I played several senior leadership roles and was closely involved in growing up the India Development Centre- even managing facilities. I was responsible for setting up the Quality organization and led several initiatives to improve the product quality and people skills. I had several successful deliveries and spear headed good engineering practices like PMD, Automation and Performance Testing. I helped to foster leadership and built some of the best teams having high employee engagement index and minimum attrition.
I started my career as an R&D engineer at the Engineering Research Centre at Tata Motors (TELCO) in 1981 and spent 3 years understanding the design and manufacture of an automobile while having a deeper insight into testing of Gearboxes and transmission components. This experience also helped me to understand the principles of mass production in manufacturing.I joined L& T during 1984, initially as a Design Engineer for Earthmoving machines. Later, I moved into Manufacturing Planning and worked for several years during which time, I brought in Computerised planning for the first time, all developed by myself. This was later used at another unit of L& T due to its ability to reduce massive manhours and also reduction in material usage.
I was selected as one of the team members to transform the factory to Lean manufacturing methods and was trained in the UK by CSC consultants. This helped me to implement Lean while learning the challenges involved in changing the culture, structure and systems. Subsequently, I worked in the computer group to help develop the software for the newly developed processes including MRP, BOM etc. This change and exposure helped me to transition my career totally to software.I am MS in software with PG diplomas in Management, CSM, CSP and SPC. I have been persevering Yoga Asanas and Heartfulness Meditation right from college days which I believe has helped me to balance my life better. These practices help me to remain calm and find innovative solutions, even during stressful situations