Increasing trend in the team velocity – a myth?

In my experience increasing trend in the team velocity is rarely achieved and/or is difficult to know. This blog was an outcome of my reading the following statement which related with my experience. “While teams will tend to increase their velocity over time—and that’s a good thing— in reality, the number tends to remain stable. […]

CHOW #266 – Can you help Aditi to Improve her Team’s Sprint Velocity?

Aditi is a Scrum Master for an Agile Team building a SaaS product which is in the Marketing Technology domain. Aditi just got off a call with her manager and he was asking her about her Team’s Sprint Velocity. He has set her a target of improving the velocity over next 3 months. Aditi was […]

CHOW #209 – The hares and the rabbits

The situation “So, you are saying that the main problem with productivity measurements like velocity is that, story points, the basis on which these velocities are measured against, cannot be trusted…” “Yes. Mainly because there are no standards for story points. It is actually a relative measurement. And the main focus of velocity measurements based […]

Chow #144 – Too many incomplete stories!

Agilators is a team using Scrum for about six months now and Alan is the Scrum Master of the team. Alan has some experience as an SM for a little over a year. He has been able to coach the team to adopt the ceremonies quite well but few challenges which he finds difficult to […]

CHOW # 131 – Sizing stories right…what you appreciate is what you get

One of the Agile Scrum teams that I was coaching Agile Artisans was doing pretty well and I felt had matured enough to be on their own. I was paying less attention to them. They had achieved a good velocity in the recent completed Sprint 14. it was quite high compared to their past velocity. […]