Lean Agile Culture – Visual Elements – Part 1

“We are following Agile practices because our teams do daily stand-ups. Our teams are working in Sprints and we are very strict about Sprint and Increment planning. So what more should we be doing?”. Sounds familiar? These are some typical responses from managers and leaders when we ask them about their Agile transformation. The Agile […]
Shakespeare and Agile

There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, And we must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures. — […]
Be in the Game

Centuries ago, Robert the Bruce was the king of Scotland. England was at war with Scotland to make it a part of England. King Bruce led many battles, six times to be precise, against England and got defeated. Finally, his army got scattered, and the king was forced to hide in the caves. King Bruce was […]
CHOW #215 – A Crossword Puzzle
Here is a crossword based on our book, ‘The Five Tantras of Enterprise Agility‘ . Have given the solution grid at the end. Now, be honest and don’t look at the answers before trying to solve the puzzle. If you manage to solve the puzzle (without looking at the solution grid, of course), then write […]
Some fun with Agile

We all know that these are desperate times. The beast called COVID-19 has possessed us like the very devil, and won’t let go. The economy is down, many people have lost their jobs and livelihood. There are tantalizing stories of vaccines coming out soon. But, when soon? But, I feel that the physical masks have […]
CHOW #207 – The king who did not listen

The Situation Charles Wesley Griffith-Hall was the CEO of the largest financial institution in the world. One day he had gone to the bathroom, and while there, he met the VP of new products and started talking about what innovative ideas were on the horizon. While they were at it, the janitor of who was […]