Large Scale transformation agile conventional project management

Find out how this large software services and solutions provider moved their software dev and support teams into an Agile framework
PM competency development large services company

PM competency development at a large services company
Smart Phone software start company adopts agile

Find out how our Consultants helped a Market Research firm to get optimum value from adopting a fully automated analytics platform.
Financial products company adopts enterprise wide agile transformation

Check out how our consultants helped in building a Unique Digital Platform to increase customer engagement
Automotive Company Grew Off-shore Software Centre Ten Times Three Years

Find out how our Consultants helped a Market Research firm to get optimum value from adopting a fully automated analytics platform.
Starting & Scaling Agile Transformation

See how a financial global giant adopts agile.
Enterprise-wide Finance Backbone Cloud Migration

Find out how our Consultants helped a large investment firm embrace digital in their critical finance areas over 6 months
Fully Automated Analytics Platform

Find out how our Consultants helped a Market Research firm to get optimum value from adopting a fully automated analytics platform.
Enterprise Customer Engagement Platform

Check out how our consultants helped in building a Unique Digital Platform to increase customer engagement
Enterprise-wide Digital Transformation

Checkout how PMP Consulting helped transform a Private Equity company into a Digital Business