Chow #264 – Room for further Improvement

If you want to further improve the throughput of the Rust quicksort implementation, what are the options you may consider? Answer Concurrency may not be an option since the sorting logic is non-blocking. One of the options is parallelism. We can leverage the number of cores of the target system to improve the throughput further.The […]

The sorting ceremony. Is Rust Blazingly Fast?

Is Rust blazingly fast? The first claim of the Rust language as stated on their web page is “Rust is blazingly fast and memory-efficient: …”. Around 82,000 developers who participated in the Stack Overflow developer survey had voted Rust as the most loved language not for one year but in a row of five years. Why? […]

WebAssembly and Friends

The video is a tale of four friends helping the Rovers So these odd great folks have formed a league of their own. Rust -> LLVM -> WebAssembly <-> JavaScript This blog is to introduce you to the two new members of this league – WebAssembly, and LLVM. (If you know them already please be […]