DevOps Primer

Primer giving a quick and condensed view of DevOps Principles, Values, Tools and Practices.

‘Three Track’ Lean-Agile Development? Part 4 – Deployment Space

Introduction In the previous three parts of my article (Why do we need a ‘Three Track’ Lean-Agile Product Development?, ‘Three Track’ Lean-Agile Development: Part 2 – Opportunity Space , ‘Three Track Lean-Agile Development: Part 3 – Solution Space‘), I had introduced the concept that a product creation process is all about transformation of Ideas into […]

‘Three Track’ Lean-Agile Development: Part 2 – Opportunity Space

Introduction In the part-1 of my article (Why do we need a ‘Three Track’ Lean-Agile Product Development?), I had introduced the idea of how the product creation process is all about transformation of Ideas into Value. Success can come only after value gets created and realized through the product. The product success can be measured […]

Why do we need a ‘Three Track’ Lean-Agile Product Development – 1?

Introduction Smart Products are exploding with Software content & Consumerization be it in Automotive, Healthcare, Consumer or Industrial domains. Contribution of the software innovation to the overall product is dramatically increasing as opposed to the earlier hardware part of the product. However, at the same time, Product Failure rates are high or there is lower […]

4 Traits for a Product Manager

A trait is described as “a distinguishing characteristic or quality, especially of one’s personal nature”. There is much written about attributes and skills of what it takes to be a great product manager (referred to as PM throughout this article). I have had the opportunity to work with some of the best. The job of a PM very […]

3P + 2S Method for Ordering the Backlog

When it comes to higher levels of planning like road-mapping or release planning, product management has the responsibility to determine the order of work items for delivery teams. In my opinion, product owner is one of toughest roles in the agile world. Product management teams have always had to deal with market dynamics and customer […]

Cascading the product vision: structure and practices

Identifying a real need or problem to solve is core to a successful product or application. Many teams get distracted along the way resulting in feature bloat or trying to address requests or perceived needs of prospects and customers that may end up in an unmanageable codebase, that may have many forks or custom derivatives. […]

CHOW #141 – A Road Less Travelled

Seema is a new entrant into the role of a Product Manager. She had been a developer for about 3 years prior to taking on this new role. Several folks she spoke to encouraged her to take on the new challenge and experiment. The company she is working for is an established enterprise in virtualization […]

A Key Skill for Product Managers

Product Managers are constantly engaging and interacting with several functions and diverse stakeholder personas to design, develop, deliver and support a product. They are gathering information, weighing options, trying to make the best decisions and carrying messages across these functions. Often, the sheer number of dimensions to be dealt with, whether in a large enterprise […]

CHOW #130 – Frequency of prioritization

From Release Planning till delivery, how frequently a scrum team’s Product Owner should prioritize the backlog to get maximum benefit? Suggested Solution: Product Priotization has to be a continuous exercise. Teams continually reprioritize items in their backlog to ensure they are spending time on the right things. A few surveys (ex. one conducted by […]