CHOW #277: How will my manager review my performance in an Agile team?

You are the Agile coach in an organization that has embarked in its journey to adopt Agile. You have completed the initial assessment, done tailored training sessions for the teams and started coaching the leaders and teams. The Scrum teams are formed by drawing members from various domains to make it cross functional and a […]

Seeing through perception to understand reality

In these days of post truth and manipulated media, we are all flooded with information and many times have difficulty in cutting through the noise to find the true signals. Using perception to soften the impact of reality has been an accepted practice – from childhood, when we tell stories to children which has characters […]

Is Agile killing individual performance?

Introduction Agile principles and methods promote team working. Agile emphasizes the team’s success. Practicing agile methods in the right ways in organizations leads to high-performing teams. On the other hand, there is an often talked about perceived concern. The concern is around the performance of the individuals in a team. Occasionally, I have experienced situations […]

Chow #151 – How to overcome performance slump

Mark is a manager in a global software product development organization. He manages a 15-member team of software developers and testers. His team is a high-performance team and they deliver consistently meeting expectations of the management and the customer. Alex is a team lead in Mark’s team. Alex has been with the organization for over […]

Performance Management of Agile Teams

The key objective of any performance management system is to identify the strengths, areas of improvements and to provide learning opportunity so the performance of the individuals and the teams and thereby of the organization is enhanced. However, it has become a tool for managing bell curve and for compensation management leaving both managers and […]

Effective Appraisal Dialogue – How not to and How to

Appraisal dialogues are dreaded events both for the manager and the reportee.  Appraisal dialogue can leave both of them energized, motivated and drive towards next level of performance or can leave both of them feeling low and negative, depending on the way the dialogue is conducted. Here are two scenarios to contrast….. Appraisal Dialogues (Roles: […]