Witness-Mind: Gateway to Empathy

We wonder many times why other people don’t understand us, why they are so wrong in their thinking/ideas/ideologies, why they are so insensitive in their behaviors, and so on… Have we considered the possibility that others may be feeling the same about us? This happens because of lack of empathy. We have certain ‘values’ – what we consider […]

Breathe away Anxiety – 3 Step Instant Anxiety Buster

We all know that our facial expressions change based on our emotions, moods, feelings. Do you know that it works the other way also? – If we change our facial expression, it changes the emotions, moods, feelings also.  Try it out. When you have any negative emotions/feeling, just smile or laugh, even if it’s artificial. […]

Let Go to Let Come – Tap into your holistic intelligences!

Have you observed how Storks or Egrets catch fish in the water? They don’t chase the fish in the water. They stand still in the water, sometimes even on one leg, and when the fish comes nearby, they pick it up and process it. They are clever (native intelligence). They know that if they move […]

Don’t manage Stress, prevent Stress

A search on Google on ‘Stress’ throws up more than 100 million results! It has become all pervasive in the world. Children to adults to aged, men & women, rich or poor, almost everybody is undergoing stress. Especially in the VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) world, like the pandemic-hit world, it has aggravated even more. […]

Discover the Creative You through Mindfulness

We have all heard of Archimedes, Newton and other great scientists who have made great discoveries / inventions. Have we noticed at what state of mind they were when they discovered them? Archimedes was relaxing in his bathtub; Newton was relaxing under an apple tree. Have you observed this: you struggled to solve some difficult […]

Does Success lead to Happiness or Happiness lead to Success?

Does Success lead to Happiness or Happiness lead to Success? This sounds like a chicken or egg question. When I ask this question during Mindful Leadership sessions, I get both kinds of responses. Of course, the definition of success and happiness vary from person to person. But in general, we consider Success means rich & famous, having […]

Agile Leadership Canvas – Cultivating Agile Mindset and Culture

We don’t have to pull the plants to make them grow. We have to just nurture them with water & soil and allow enough sunlight to fall on them (remove impediments), they will grow and bear fruits, quite efficiently. Leaders’ role is like that of farmers. They need to create an environment where people thrive […]