A unifying approach to understand Personal Mastery models

You might have heard of the theory of the Helsinki Bus Station. It is not new and it was originally shared as a message to art students. When I came to know this, it appeared as an interesting anecdote. Over time, as I reflected on the key message – to stay on the Bus – […]

CHOW #208 – The mother crab and the baby crab

The Situation TheGeneral manager and VP of an important division is talking to their coach: “Oneof our customers, a very important one, had some issue with his product. One ofour engineers in the development group suggested a radical approach to solvethe issue. But I wanted a proper analysis done to understand the pros and consof […]

CHOW #175 – How do you manage high power teams?

There is a story, most probably apocryphal, about a famous research institution in Yorktown Heights, New York, USA. One of the labs in the institution was headed by a manager who was not a scientist himself. All the scientists in the lab working under his direction, more than a hundred of them, were Nobel laureates […]

The Role of Executive Leadership in an Organisation that fosters Experimentation and Learning – An extract from the upcoming PM Power book on Organisational Agility

[Please read PM Power’s Enterprise Agile Transformation Manifesto,  Mindfulness for Agile Culture and Mindset – Extract from our upcoming book and Myths to sustain self-organisation in large organisations – An extract from the upcoming PM Power book on Organisational Agility to fully understand the context of this blog post.] Vishnusharman, the coach, took a week off from his […]

The 2% Masala Impact

Over the weekend I was out at a food court to meet a former colleague of mine. She had got along a couple of her young friends as well. As we were conversing, the young lady, who had come along with my friend  said “When I discuss with my manager what I have to do […]

A study in contrast – Parenting and Managing a team

I began life as a child, and still continue to behave like one. I started my working years as an individual contributor, and still continue to be one. In addition to this in my wonderful journey of life and work I have also become a parent and a team manager. What’s more interesting as I […]

ProMentor – A framework for PM Competency Development

Yet another framework?! I start with a prayer – that you will not be put off by the word “framework” (the f-word!!) and not read further! The f-word has been sort of over-hyped – especially in the software world to the point that “you ain’t nothing if you don’t have your own framework to brag […]

Journey of a coach – the beginning

The motivation for this series of articles is to share my personal journey as a “performance” coach for software project managers since 2006. These days, one sees a number of professionals in their late career starting out as coaches – former CEOs, senior HR professionals, operations executives and so on. I hope that this series […]