CHOW #215 – A Crossword Puzzle

Here is a crossword based on our book, ‘The Five Tantras of Enterprise Agility‘ . Have given the solution grid at the end. Now, be honest and don’t look at the answers before trying to solve the puzzle. If you manage to solve the puzzle (without looking at the solution grid, of course), then write […]

Some fun with Agile

We all know that these are desperate times. The beast called COVID-19 has possessed us like the very devil, and won’t let go.  The economy is down, many people have lost their jobs and livelihood. There are tantalizing stories of vaccines coming out soon. But, when soon? But, I feel that the physical masks have […]

CHOW #208 – The mother crab and the baby crab

The Situation TheGeneral manager and VP of an important division is talking to their coach: “Oneof our customers, a very important one, had some issue with his product. One ofour engineers in the development group suggested a radical approach to solvethe issue. But I wanted a proper analysis done to understand the pros and consof […]

CHOW #194 – Is experimentation doomed?

Arvind a super Scrum Master has been an ardent proponent of test and experiment. He was the Scrum Master for two teams. Govinda the manager of the two teams had his regular catch up with the teams. He said the current covid environment has made the market uncertain. So he has told the team to […]

CHOW #175 – How do you manage high power teams?

There is a story, most probably apocryphal, about a famous research institution in Yorktown Heights, New York, USA. One of the labs in the institution was headed by a manager who was not a scientist himself. All the scientists in the lab working under his direction, more than a hundred of them, were Nobel laureates […]

The Role of Executive Leadership in an Organisation that fosters Experimentation and Learning – An extract from the upcoming PM Power book on Organisational Agility

[Please read PM Power’s Enterprise Agile Transformation Manifesto,  Mindfulness for Agile Culture and Mindset – Extract from our upcoming book and Myths to sustain self-organisation in large organisations – An extract from the upcoming PM Power book on Organisational Agility to fully understand the context of this blog post.] Vishnusharman, the coach, took a week off from his […]