CHOW # 274: How to share bad news with your team member?

Sudha is a project manager with a Global IT services organization. She joined this company 8 years ago as a fresh software engineer, grew to a tech lead and now she is an architect. She has been a consistent performer over the years. Sudha’s company has been practicing an annual performance appraisal cycle. They use […]

CHOW #257 – Have some empathy

Patrick was asked to join a new project for a healthcare company. He found out that the project is in a platform that he has good familiarity and also understands the domain very well. He was also preparing a paper as a part of his online certification course in financial management. Towards that, it would […]

YHTAPME – Empathy, the missing angle

Often we look at ‘empathy’ as an ability that is much needed in leadership roles. It is always an ability expected from people higher in the ladder towards those who are below them or at best towards peers. By focusing heavily in this manner, the need for any member to be empathetic towards leaders/managers is […]

Witness-Mind: Gateway to Empathy

We wonder many times why other people don’t understand us, why they are so wrong in their thinking/ideas/ideologies, why they are so insensitive in their behaviors, and so on… Have we considered the possibility that others may be feeling the same about us? This happens because of lack of empathy. We have certain ‘values’ – what we consider […]

Empathy fatigue.. and 3 tips to handle it

I recently had an opportunity to talk to a hospital administrator. I had met him in the context of understanding how they approached customer focus in their organization. He explained his role and the challenges his team needs to handle on a daily basis and how his customer segments include both the patients on one […]