Some inferences from the State of DevOps 2017 report

It is always good to learn from others, particularly if the sources are from across industries – as they trigger ideas to apply in our own work areas. While this is one such learning from the IT industry, The latest State of DevOps report for 2017 offers thoughts that can be applied at team level or organization […]

Immutable infrastructure

Over the many years of my interactions with various projects, the most common misconception that I come across is equating a daily standup to scrum and agile. In such situations, the conversations invariably start something like this: “We are already agile, we do daily standups – so, we do not need any training. Just tell […]

Is DevOps = Agile++?

This is probably the most frequently asked question that I have received. In many sessions when I introduce the concept of DevOps and some characteristics, after the first 30 minutes or so, the question is a variation of: – We are already agile. all this sounds just like agile. how is it different and why […]

How does one create a DevOps Culture?

This is probably the most frequently asked question related to adopting or rolling out a DevOps initiative in an organization. We need to look at this question more closely based on the principles of DevOps. While traditionally, organizations are structured into functional silos or departments, value for a customer is not created by any one […]

Role of testing in DevOps

One question that I get asked frequently is whether DevOps implies significantly higher costs for testing. Before answering that question, I would like to spend a few minutes on the types of testing that is usually recommended and what is done. Teams following the V-model would have a focus on Unit, Integration, System and Acceptance […]

Role of Architecture in DevOps

DevOps approaches highlight the value of early and frequent releases into production. In extreme cases, it is continuous deployment. In order to achieve this – or even progress towards this, the underlying application as well as the portfolio architecture should be aware of such evolution. The discipline of Enterprise Architecture recommends structured approaches to layer […]

How to begin a DevOps journey?

Image source :  // One question that I get asked frequently, when talking about DevOps is: where do I begin? A follow-up question is – Can you recommend any checklist or set of steps to get into DevOps? My short answer to that question is: start where you can show some short term […]