Rust – WebAssembly – Markov Chain Monte Carlo

I have this unquenchable fascination for knowing what is going to happen next. How many visitors are likely to visit my site next week, given I know the history of visits? So that I provision few more computing machines. What are the best possible action items I can suggest to my team next week, given […]

CHOW #211 – Data-driven Coaching Plan

Challenge The names, characters, dialects, and phrases are imaginary. Yesterday, I was one among the spectators, to an event performed at the local stadium. The event may appear to have a certain resemblance to a competition for the first-time visitor. But it was strictly not a competition. Professionals from different disciplines demonstrated their talents. Every […]

Chow #187 – Switch Point Analysis

I hope you read our post on Bayesian Method – MCMC. Probably you may see a mixed Poisson distribution on the number of COVID-19 cases reported during the past 16 days from 12-Apr-2020. As hinted in the Post there will be a mixed distribution From 1st Apr to 15 Apr as well. Perform change-point analysis […]

Bayesian Inference – MCMC

My sincere thanks to the team of warriors who are combating, successfully, in containing the spread of COVID-19.  Despite the team has its own systemic limitations (from the availability of testing equipments, facilities, skilled testers, time to transport the collected samples from the patients, duration of testing and many other constraints) it continues to increase […]