CHOW #307 – Structural remedies in Agile

Agile think tanks recommend that the modern-day organization should be a cluster of empowered teams, an entity that is like an organism able to adapt itself and thrive. Alas, when agile consultants walk into a new customer engagement, chances are what they see appears nowhere near such a cluster; instead, hierarchies and silos everywhere. Nathan […]

Insights from the traditional ways… Agile

Today, in this blog, I share a story on a few steps that improved transparency in the team. Which in turn enhanced the ownership and collaboration. In my last blog tweaks in traditional approach… I shared how individual reflection is key to staying on the course and how Agile helps in that. Hope to follow-up […]

4 Traits for a Product Manager

A trait is described as “a distinguishing characteristic or quality, especially of one’s personal nature”. There is much written about attributes and skills of what it takes to be a great product manager (referred to as PM throughout this article). I have had the opportunity to work with some of the best. The job of a PM very […]

CHOW #237 – Running out of collaboration?

Inzamam-ul-Huq (Inzy) was a great player for Pakistan in the nineties. Beyond his batting classics, he was known for the most bizarre run-outs in the history of cricket. There were players who have had more run-outs than Inzy, and have got more partners run-out than he has. But when you observe the nature of his […]

Gabbaitor: Test of Collaboration

Since 1933 (second ever test match of India) this was the first match where bowlers had the least experience. Since 1947 Australia has never lost to India at Gabba. Since 1988 Australia are undefeated “by any country” in Gabba. 15th Jan 2021 – 11 Indian lambs walk into Gabba (well the top 9 sheep were […]

Ferris – The Coaching Assistant

Ferris is our platform that aims to assist in augmenting: The collaboration between a coach and a protege  The visibility of the coaching plan. Coach The coach is an abstraction in the Ferris platform. The coach can be a doctor, an executive, a fund manager, or a programmer. I use Ferry as a metaphor. The […]

CHOW #134 – Individual Discipline in Agile

“Yes. Individual discipline is a key component of an Agile organisation. I will tell you why…” Why and how is individual discipline a key component of an Agile organisation? Can you discuss this in terms of the Agile principles of Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools, Responding to Change over Following a Plan, Simplicity? […]

Mindfulness for Agile Culture and Mindset – Extract from our upcoming book

This blog post is an extract from our upcoming book on organisational agility. The objective of the book is to help leaders, managers and change agents (including internal and external agile coaches) involved in organizational agile transformations and project / program managers, scrum masters and team members address the concerns of IT organizations as they try […]

Co-location of teams and collaboration in Agile – are we making too much of it?

When I started as an Agile coach eight years ago, my only relative and somewhat debatable “agile” experience was some iterative development we did on a very large product over nearly 19 months. This was a project where we worked with 6-week iterations for 14 iterations!! One thing that project taught me was the value […]