Technology and Business Chasm – A Techie’s dilemma

Prologue For most techies, especially those working in Tech industry – these questions ought to have crossed their minds at some point in time. Should I remain a techie all through my career?  Is gaining a modicum of business perspective even relevant to me as a techie?  I like my technical domain and I don’t […]

The 2% Masala: What I learnt shutting down a start-up

When a newly commissioned ship sails from a port, laden with valuable goods, every captain hopes the ship will navigate the tumble of the seas well and be the ship of choice, in the years to come. No one expects the Titanic journey. Every sailor that you get on board, signs up after confirming at […]

The 2% Masala Impact

Over the weekend I was out at a food court to meet a former colleague of mine. She had got along a couple of her young friends as well. As we were conversing, the young lady, who had come along with my friend  said “When I discuss with my manager what I have to do […]