CHOW #133 – Standardization – one size fits all

Sharma is a metrics-oriented Head of an IT function. Prior to adopting agile, his organization used Function Point (FP) method for measuring software size. Along with the effort data entered by individuals, teams measured productivity factor as FP per person day of effort. This data was used for estimating new project effort as well as […]

CHOW #132 – Agile Manager?

Suma is a Scrum Master for a team of 8 people who are using 2 week Sprint consistently. Suma reports to Arun, a demanding manager, who has 5 other Teams of similar size who are using different Sprint durations. Arun had been engaging an Agile Coach for his unit of 55 people for the last […]

Agile Leaders are missing Gold

As I have been involved in Agile transformation coaching in several organizations over many years, I have been noticing one pattern: Most organizations have been moving from one framework/model to another, say Scrum, LeSS, SAFe, Spotify and so on; but there is not enough change in mindset, behavior, culture towards Agility. They are doing Agile […]

The Accidental Manager

(These statements are strictly personal and are not those of any Company or Organization) By my nature I am a very competitive person. I love to win. At school I would compete for grades, in sport I had to win – second was the fastest loser, on my way home on my bike I would […]

CHOW # 131 – Sizing stories right…what you appreciate is what you get

One of the Agile Scrum teams that I was coaching Agile Artisans was doing pretty well and I felt had matured enough to be on their own. I was paying less attention to them. They had achieved a good velocity in the recent completed Sprint 14. it was quite high compared to their past velocity. […]

CHOW #130 – Frequency of prioritization

From Release Planning till delivery, how frequently a scrum team’s Product Owner should prioritize the backlog to get maximum benefit? Suggested Solution: Product Priotization has to be a continuous exercise. Teams continually reprioritize items in their backlog to ensure they are spending time on the right things. A few surveys (ex. one conducted by […]

Product Visioning: 3.3 Prioritization of backlog

At any given time, Product Backlog contains features / user stories at myriad sizes with varying levels of details. As the backlog evolves over a period, teams usually would keep the important and clear stories at the top. This is achieved by regular prioritization. What is Product Prioritization? Product Prioritization is the cadence of keeping […]

CHOW #127 – Brand Image of Scrum Masters

Rajiv has been working as a scrum master and coaching the teams after getting trained. Management and teams think that Scrum Master is like a secretary who just books the meeting rooms, facilitates daily meetings and helps with some tasks when team asks for it. Rajiv spoke to couple of other scrum masters in the […]

Agile: 3 tips for effective coaching

I started my agile journey as an agile team member couple of years back, where I was assigned to a pilot team which was part of large agile transformation initiative. Once the initiative was kicked off, all the pilot project team members were trained on agile (what is agile methodology, process and how to do […]

Podcast – Managing an Agile Transformation for Success Agile transformations, like any other are challenging for most organizations. This episode engages experts from PM Power Consulting J Veeraraaghavan, Vishveshwar Hegde and Anand Natarajan in dialogue, sharing their agile leadership coaching and consulting insights. The dialogue also explores common challenges and approaches to agile transformations for leaders and geographically distributed teams with diverse […]