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Upcoming book from PM Power

A Practitioner’s Guide To Enterprise Agility: The Five Tantras Applied A Synopsis An enterprise exists to deliver value to its stakeholders (Customers, Associates and Shareholders). Continuous delivery of value to stakeholders is the mantra that industry leaders...

DevOps Primer

What is DevOPS ? Successful businesses today, are focused on rapidly bring customer value while differentiating themselves from the competitors.  Agile methods are being widely used across the industry now, towards this effect. Developing and Delivering a...
Why only Rugby?

Why only Rugby?

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA Scrum as an Agile approach is now center-stage worldwide, a goliath occupying a staggering 66% of all agile adoptions. The distant second is Scrumban, a mere 9% and the third at 5% tied between Scrum/XP Hybrid...
CHOW #295: Splitting hair over splitting team

CHOW #295: Splitting hair over splitting team

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC Priyanka is the coach for a team making firmware and software for ECUs (electronic control units) and app layers above. Due to the number of fragmented technologies in the solution and the workload, the...
CHOW #293: Experimentation and Research Issues

CHOW #293: Experimentation and Research Issues

An enterprise exists to deliver value to its stakeholders. Continuous delivery of value to stakeholders is the mantra that industry leaders now chant in their offices all day long. Now, how do they deliver this continuous value? One important aspect of creating better...