Synopsis of Full Stack Leadership – Upcoming book from PM Power – Post IV- Leading Self

Continued from Synopsis of Full Stack Leadership – Upcoming book from PM Power – Post III- Leading Execution

Leading Self

Let us look at the values, principles and practices of Leading Self.

The values of Leading Self are:

Leading SelfPassionPassion lights up effective leadership; it allows you to move forward and gives you power to handle any challenge; it inspires others around you; and gives you a meaningful life. It helps with motivation, creativity, and perseverance, all of which ensures you are better at leading business and execution.
AdaptabilityAdaptability allows you to navigate the perilous seas of the VUCA world and embrace opportunities. It enables individuals to work through uncertainty, accept change, and grab new opportunities leading you to be a better leader of business and execution
Growth MindsetIt provides the mental framework necessary to accept challenges, set goals, make decisions, and achieve success, making you a better leader of business and its execution
Mindful LeadershipThis management style combines mindfulness with leadership to create a positive work environment which promotes, compassion, inclusiveness, and consideration for others. A mindful leader makes conscious decisions being aware of themselves, others and the environment they are in.
AccountabilityAccountability in a leader makes for trust; improved performance; and increased motivation. It helps you build a strong foundation; a positive work environment; engaged stakeholders; attract top talent and be competitive – all aspects required to lead business and its execution.

Here are the principles of Leading Self

(The labels against the principles S01, S02, SP01, SP02 etc. are the identifiers given in the book)

ValuePrincipleHow the principle drives the value
PassionS02: Personal and professional purposeBy igniting passion and becoming a motivator to propel you towards your goals with dedication, commitment, resilience, and enjoyment. A purpose is what drives a person, their goals, and what they care about, including why they want to go where they want and the principles they’ll honour along the way
S10: Intrinsic motivationIntrinsic motivation is the internal drive that makes for your passion, energizes our actions, and pushes us towards our growth, fulfilment, and success. Intrinsic motivation makes you persist in your actions, even in the face of setbacks
ValuePrincipleHow the principle drives the value
AdaptabilityS09: Being open to inputsBy allowing leaders to consider diverse perspectives, learn from others, absorb continuous learning, and make informed decisions.
S01: Proactively seeking changeGrowth, innovation, and achievement are all predicated on leaders proactively seeking change. So is staying ahead of competition. If your change is slow, or only as a rection to the environment you will fall behind
ValuePrincipleHow the principle drives the value
Growth mindsetS05: Leadership temperamentBy endowing the leader with the required beliefs, view points, frame of mind, attitudes, beliefs, perspectives, and expectations that form the basis for what that person is. From that follows how you relate to others, empathize with them, influence them, and also lead them.
S12: Sense of wonderBy helping us create clearer internal models of things which helps us develop newer ways of thinking. This can allow for high levels of innovation and creativity and stimulate rational thinking and decision making. All great leaders have a sense of wonder.
S13: Leadership presenceIt is a ‘je ne sais quoi’ kind of quality. It is the ability to motivate and inspire others just by your being there. It is blend of your personality, your skills and your behaviour. You are respected and trusted. Leadership presence is about leading from the inside out. It’s not just about appearing confident and poised but about developing greater self-awareness, balance, and effective ways of thinking even under pressure.
ValuePrincipleHow the principle drives the value
Mindful LeadershipS06: MindfulnessMindfulness and mindful leadership entails being aware of one’s thoughts, emotions, and feelings and then consciously acting upon this awareness and using this in your leadership thoughts and actions.
S03: Enjoying the journeyOnly a person who enjoys the process of achieving a goal can realistically commit themselves to achieving it. It builds motivation and reduces stress and anxiety.
ValuePrincipleHow the principle drives the value
AccountabilityS08: Showing vulnerability / accepting mistakesShowing your vulnerability and accepting mistakes can be very liberating. To others, your act can seem courageous; it can show you’re authentic and trustworthy. It can build strong and genuine relationships and is essential for your growth.
S07: Being trustworthyA truly great leader creates an environment of trust. This makes for an environment where real leadership can emerge. It makes for empowerment and reduced fear of blame.
S11: CourageIn the VUCA world, where things are changing rapidly, you need to be able to adapt and make courageous decisions for you and the organization to get ahead. Courageous leaders are those who are willing to challenge status quo by making hard choices and taking risks
S04: Commitment to actionBy being the cause and the manifestation of performance-orientation. Whether it’s personal or professional goals, or contribution to society and community, commitment to action is essential for turning visions into fact. Commitment to action makes one want to move forward despite obstacles, even if it means learning new skills, or stepping out of one’s comfort zone

The practices of the principles of Leading Self are given below:

Practices of Principle S01: Proactively seeking change (Value: Adaptability)

SP01: Cultivate a mind tuned to change and growthSP02: Keep yourself constantly informed
SP03: Be willing to learn from failures and mistakes, and from others 

Practices Principle S02: Personal and professional purpose (Value: Passion)

SP04: Maintain a life purpose statementSP05: Prioritize self-care

Practices Principle S03: Enjoying the journey (Value: Mindful leadership)

SP06: Celebrate small successes 

Practices Principle S04: Commitment to action (Value: Accountability)

SP06: Celebrate small successesSP07: Motivation and persistence

Practices Principle S05: Leadership temperament (Value: Growth mindset)

SP08: Develop self-awarenessEP14: Practice empathy and active listening
SP09: Embrace knowledge-era paradigmsSP10: Embrace challenges

Practices of Principle S06: Mindfulness (Value: Mindful leadership)

SP11: Understanding and applying empathySP12: Become non-judgmental
SP13: Applying the BE-DO frameworkSP14: Stay in the present moment

Practices of Principle S07: Being trustworthy (Value: Accountability)

SP15: Be consistent and reliable 

Practices of Principle S08: Showing vulnerability / accepting mistakes (Value: Accountability)

SP16: Be kind to yourselfSP03: Be willing to learn from failures and mistakes, and from others

Practices of Principle S09: Being open to inputs (Value: Adaptability)

SP17: Ask questionsSP18: Have an open mind

Practices of Principle S10: Intrinsic motivation (Value: Passion)

SP19: Align your goals with your valuesSP20: Find role models
SP21: Develop the right skills for what you are doing 

Practices of Principle S11: Courage (Value: Accountability)

SP22: Step outside you comfort zoneSP23: Face your fears

Practices of Principle S12: Sense of wonder (Value: Growth mindset)

SP24: Be observantSP25: Explore the unknown

Practices of Principle S13: Leadership presence (Value: Growth Mindset)

All practices mentioned under principles S1 to S12. 

Continued in Synopsis of Full Stack Leadership – Upcoming book from PM Power – Post V – AI


The following posts together give a complete summary of the new book from PM Power – Full Stack Leadership

  1. Background and introduction to the book – 1
  2. Background and introduction to the book – 2
  3. Background and introduction to the book – 3
  4. Synopsis of the book – Introduction
  5. Synopsis of the book – Leading Business
  6. Synopsis of the book – Leading Execution
  7. Synopsis of the book – Leading Self
  8. Synopsis of the book – AI
Leadership, Communication; Culture
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