Synopsis of Full Stack Leadership – Upcoming book from PM Power – Post II- Leading Business

Continued from Synopsis of Full Stack Leadership – Upcoming book from PM Power – Post I

Leading Business

Let us look at the values, principles and practices of leading business.

The values of Leading Business are given here:

DimensionValueWhat the value does
Leading BusinessInnovationThis gives you competitive advantage, it energizes your associates, it keeps your stakeholders happy, it helps you grab opportunities and grow, and thus guides you in leading business
Customer and Market focusThis gives you sustained success; it gives you high reputation, and again competitive advantage
Organization brand/valueIt helps you build a strong foundation; a positive work environment; engaged stakeholders; leaders with business acumen; and attract top talent and be competitive
Social responsibilityThis gives you enhanced brand value, helps you attract great talent, gives you cost savings; and drives innovation

The principles of Leading business are the following:

(The labels against the principles B01, B02, BP01, BP02 etc. are the identifiers given in the book)

ValuePrincipleHow the principle drives the value
InnovationB02: Breaking of tradition / finding trailblazing ideasBy making for the challenging of the status quo and creating new solutions, these new ideas can create substantial value for customers, markets, and society
B05: Experimentation and learningBy creating and achieving breakthroughs when individuals, teams, and organizational units are allowed to experiment and learn from their failures
B10: Risk appetiteThe higher the risk appetite, the higher the chance of success of innovation (or maybe failure). By taking risks, but by managing and mitigating them an organization can innovate, and succeed and grow
B09: Looking out for opportunitiesAcquiring startups and products not only helps in creating new markets and in diversification into new areas, and also in incorporating new technologies into existing products, which helps in market dominance
B17: No active inertiaBy overcoming complacence of people settling in in the current way of doing business and bringing in fresh thinking in the way of doing things.
ValuePrincipleHow the principle drives the value
Customer and Market FocusB04: Customer valueBy consistently delivering value, providing ongoing benefits and improvements to customers, organizations can foster stronger customer relationships, increase loyalty, and drive long-term success.
B01: Listening to the voice of the customerBy being a valuable insight and data point that helps an organization chart their strategy and course
B14: Stakeholder buy-inBy securing the support and commitment, as early as possible, from some of the key people who are needed for the venture to succeed.
B16: Trust pipesBy having an open communication channel with stakeholders and providing reliable, transparent, empathetic, and ethical communication in both directions.
ValuePrincipleHow the principle drives the value
Organization brand/valueB07: Capability and capacityBy ensuring that any project or venture can be implemented in the best possible way ensuring efficiency, effectiveness and competitive advantage
B11: Business acumenBy ensuring that leaders make excellent and original decisions since they have financial acumen, technical expertise and are steeped in nonlinear thinking
B06: Data driven cultureBy ensuring the making of decisions on strategy, investment and growth based on hard data and data analysis, rather than based on hunches
B03: Unique brandBy creating a leading position for the organization in the product market, in the hiring market, and also in the financial market and helping the market remember you, and therefore be loyal to you
B15: Organic and Inorganic growthBy ensuring newer products and technologies, better market penetration, more customers, mergers and acquisitions, and joint ventures and partnerships
B18: Performance-oriented cultureBy fostering an environment where everyone is committed to achieving the highest levels of excellence and where the work of associates is measured against clear and defined performance metrics
ValuePrincipleHow the principle drives the value
Social responsibilityB08: Diverse and inclusive environmentBy empowering people from different cultures and beliefs, religions, physical and mental abilities, genders, social backgrounds, age groups, sexual preferences and orientations, and outlooks on life.
B12: Advancing social and economic conditionsBy implementing strategies and policies that address issues such as poverty, inequality, pollution, and lack of access to essential services of communities
B13: SustainabilityBy ensuring that we leave behind a livable world

Here are the practices that enable the principles of Leading Business

Practices of Principle B01: Listening to the voice of the customer (Value: Customer and Market focus)

BP01: Engage customers in the business ecosystemBP02: Formalize continuous engagement with customers

Practices of Principle B02: Breaking tradition / finding trailblazing ideas (Value: Innovation)

BP03: Have a business model for innovationBP04: Show benefits to upstream and downstream stakeholders
BP05: Invest in growth as early as possibleBP06: Encourage innovation and creativity among associates

Practices of Principle B03: Unique brand (Value: Organization brand/value)

BP07: Create customer segmentation and unique requirements mappingBP08: Create a strong brand identity and consistent brand messaging
BP09: Deploy stakeholders as brand ambassadorsBP10: Ensure service excellence and customer satisfaction

Practices of Principle B04: Customer value (Value: Customer and Market focus)

BP10: Identify the value proposition for each customer and segmentBP12: Prioritize work based on ‘pull’ rather than ‘push’.
BP13: Ensure there are no wastes of omission and commission 

Practices of Principle B05: Experimentation and learning (Value: Innovation)

BP14: Make innovation a part of the organizational visionBP15: Encourage a culture for experimentation and risk-taking
BP16: Have formal and informal mechanisms to share learning inside and outsideBP17: Build diverse and inclusive teams with people with different perspectives

Practices of Principle B06: Data-driven culture (Value: Organization brand/value)

BP18: Create a data plan and invest in avenues for getting reliable, high-quality data from various sourcesBP19: Constantly analyze data and identify trends towards ongoing learning and improvement
BP20: Integrate data into all aspects of operationsBP21: Invest in people with big-data and AI skills

Practices of Principle B07: Capability and capacity (Value: Organization brand/value)

BP16: Have formal and informal mechanisms to share learning inside and outsideBP22: Have a formal mechanism to manage talent
BP23: Learn to adapt to change and manage change 

Practices of Principle B08: Diverse and inclusive environment (Value: Social responsibility)

BP17: Build diverse and inclusive teams with people with different perspectivesBP24: Foster a culture of respecting diversity and inclusiveness
BP25: Ensure diversity among all stakeholders 

Practices of Principle B09: Looking out for opportunities (Value: Innovation)

BP26: Have a formal mechanism to look out for, plan and assess acquisition opportunities 

Practices of Principle B10: Risk appetite (Value: Innovation)

BP15: Have formal and informal mechanisms to share learning inside and outsideBP27: Maintain a risk-reward framework/matrix
BP28: Invest in diversification, insurance 

Practices of Principle B11: Business acumen (Value: Organization brand/value)

BP29: Financial acumen/literacyBP30: Technical proficiency
BP31: Nonlinear thinking 

Practices of Principle B12: Advancing social and economic conditions (Value: Social responsibility)

BP32: Incorporate Corporate Social Responsibility in your business modelBP33: Support local economies and social needs of communities

Practices of Principle B13: Sustainability (Value: Social responsibility)

BP34: Support environmental initiatives inside and outsideBP32: Incorporate Corporate Social Responsibility in your business model

Practices of Principle B14: Stakeholder buy-in (Value: Customer and Market focus)

BP35: Identify and engage stakeholders regularlyBP36: Align interests of stakeholders to organizational ventures
BP37: Create an effective governance mechanism for ventures 

Practices of Principle B15: Organic and inorganic growth (Value: Organization brand/value)

BP38: Optimize or develop models of operations and business to support organic and inorganic growthBP39: Continuous allocation of funds into enabling organic growth
BP40: Continuous allocation of funds into enabling inorganic growth and strategic allocation of funds to grow inorganically 

Practices of Principle B16: Trust pipes (Value: Customer and Market focus)

BP35: Identify and engage stakeholders regularly  BP41: Establish, implement, and maintain formal policies for stakeholder communications and support
BP01: Engage customers in the business ecosystem 

Practices of Principle B17: No active inertia (Value: Innovation)

BP16: Have formal and informal mechanisms to share learning inside and outsideBP42: Foster a culture of critical thinking
BP43: Constantly review, and change technology, strategy, processes, practices, stakeholder relationships, and values to align with changes in the environmentBP23: Learn to adapt to change

Practices of Principle B18: Performance-oriented culture (Value: Organization brand/value)

BP44: Create and implement effective performance metricsBP45: Focus on continuous improvement
BP46: Create a positive work environment 

Continued in Synopsis of Full Stack Leadership – Upcoming book from PM Power – Post III- Leading Execution


The following posts together give a complete summary of the new book from PM Power – Full Stack Leadership

  1. Background and introduction to the book – 1
  2. Background and introduction to the book – 2
  3. Background and introduction to the book – 3
  4. Synopsis of the book – Introduction
  5. Synopsis of the book – Leading Business
  6. Synopsis of the book – Leading Execution
  7. Synopsis of the book – Leading Self
  8. Synopsis of the book – AI
Leadership, Communication; Culture
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