November 15, 2018

Culture, Protocol, and Other Stories with Gopal Gopalan

pm power consultation
pm power consultation
Culture, Protocol, and Other Stories with Gopal Gopalan
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Show Notes

In this episode, Shiv will be talking to Gopalan, the Managing director of Global Automation, India. Gopal, as he is also called, has been in the international IT products and services industry since 1979. Listen to Gopal sharing some personal stories that touch upon various points including:

  • Attitude of working for someone 
  • Culture aspects, when working in various cultures 
  • Arrogance of a fresher – or how one can miss out the real user needs 
  • A tough situation he faced, caused by the differences in implementation of a standard protocol in the Airline industry, which, in hindsight – appears funny 
  • Cyclic Redundancy Check – CRC 
  • His views on Agile 
  • His views on technology / architecture patterns 
  • Some suggestions for Skill / capability development for those entering software field now
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