CHOW #83- Help the Scrum Master handle this situation

Krishna is the Scrum Master of Svatantra, a team known for its Agility and efficiency. He and his team were coached by external coaches for a while and now they have stopped coming. He has empowered his team and several members can moderate Agile ceremonies and hence he has taken up some additional responsibilities in the organization. Of late, he has observed that sometime the daily scrum which used to happen on time does not seem to happen and some times it is very informal and not what he was used to. Some action items from retrospectives seem to be pending for a long time and he is a bit worried about these developments. He is not able to spend enough time to coach others in the team and he has heard this story from couple of other SMs as well. Earlier he used to approach the coaches for any help but now he is not sure whom to approach and how to handle this situation. He has an important management update meeting and is worried how to present the current status of his team.

Can you help Krishna handle this situation?

Suggested Solution:

It is clear that organization does not have someone or a group owning Agile Transformation initiative.
Krishna should probably invite couple of other SMs and discuss how to handle this situation. Maybe they can form a group and request management to allocate someone higher up to lead the group so as to enable them to get management support. Once they identify a person willing to lead, they should chalk out a charter and plan how to bring back the Agility in the organization. To start with they can start a community of Scrum Masters as they work closely with teams and can best help in coaching teams to keep focus on maintaining the Agility achieved. They can then think of starting a Coaching Office which can officially take care of sustenance.

Leadership, Communication; Culture
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