CHOW #73- Painting the big picture

Rohit is managing a team that has newly transitioned to agile for the past few months. Over these months, across multiple sprints – the team has been regularly preparing stories for sprints. As part of sprint planning –  they estimate stories using story points and track velocity.

The product owner has changes that need to get done and has reached out to Rohit to work with the team and prepare a plan on when they are likely to get done. The team refuses to provide details – as they are agile and will not be able to plan ahead. They also point out that stories are not ready and hence they will not be able to estimate. They are clear in the view that the product owner has provided details that are at a very high level – with some very basic acceptance criteria.

Rohit and the product owner are at  a loss on what to do. They have thought about doing an initial plan and provide it to stakeholders without involving the team.  Rohit has a sense of current velocity of the team based on the sizing they do in each sprint. Should Rohit use that?

What will you advise Rohit to do?

Leadership, Communication; Culture
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