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Eleven Rings for a Scrum Master

   When I read the book ‘Eleven Rings: The soul of success’ by Phil Jackson and Hugh Delehanty , the legendary basketball coach, I could relate his 11 tips for leadership as good points for Scrum Masters. With eleven titles to his credit, helping the...

Chow # 283 – Objective or Key Result

One of the frequently asked questions I get from teams starting out to adopt the OKR framework – Objectives and Key results, is how to distinguish between an objective and a Key result. Additionally, how do we word these – so that there is less or no...

Role and Title – what is the difference?

One question that I get regularly from most teams and organizations that I have coached in their Agility journeys, is related to choosing the persons to play the ‘new’ roles of scrum master of product owner. On the face of it, such questions seem simple to...

Seeing through perception to understand reality

In these days of post truth and manipulated media, we are all flooded with information and many times have difficulty in cutting through the noise to find the true signals. Using perception to soften the impact of reality has been an accepted practice – from...

Chow #250 – Parallel tracks in any transformation

Victor seemed to be immersed with some chart on his desk and fully focused on that, when Bardhan walked in. Bardhan saw some parallel arrows drawn on the chart and the axes marked as Value, Maturity on the Y dimension and Cadence of development and releases on the X...