We welcome our listeners back to the Software People Stories with our first podcast for 2020.
Gayathri and Chitra, colleagues at PM Power consulting thoroughly enjoyed this un-crafted conversation and were pleasantly surprised at what unfurled. Tune into their conversation where Chitra shares her experiences on
- How a career journey is often not on a ladder but looking at it as an exploration
- Mindswitch happened when she moved from development to testing
- Looking at software from customer empathy as a system tester
- Moving from an individual contributor to a manager
- Tips on interviewing
- Entrepreneurship through co-creation
- How there needs to continuous learning and curiosity
- Accomplish over something with power of sleeping over something and connect the dots
- Situation on STEM in India
- Wonder of networks with 2009 with 14 people started and moving to large movement of volunteers
- How the conference gave a voice for women in various organizations and helped to create tech communities for women in many ways